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After working for over 23 years as a footwear designer in Atlanta, I moved to Honolulu in late 2017 to be closer to Japan where I am from and where my mother lives.
Returning to Japan after living abroad in the US for decades, I rediscovered and developed a deep appreciation for Japan religiosity, especially its relationship with nature and the rich tradition of its arts and crafts. Like most teenagers, I took all of this for granted while growing up. Now, I more easily see how my childhood has inspired me to seek a life committed to making aesthetically pleasing items as a designer and artist.
Another aspect of Japan that has come to the forefront of my awareness is their steadfastness harmoniousness and how this goal is pursued with disciplined resolve. These social traits are manifested in my loyalty to co-workers and my ability to work together as a team to achieve common goals. Team work is most successful when harmony, loyalty, and discipline merge.
When I returned to the island after being Japan, I get to relax and enjoy the inspiring natural beauty of Hawaii. I love the smell of the air, the gentle breezes, and the ever-changing expanse of the ocean. The abundance of natural light, the multitude of colors, and the assorted forms that make up Hawaii are constant sources of inspiration and reminders of the need for beauty in the practical items of our lives.
With this gained clarity, I am currently exploring new possibilities in all areas of my life; personally, professionally, and creatively. I plan to make this chapter of my life the most interesting and productive one yet.